Program Modules

There are 12 modules in this program.

It's designed to move through at the rate of one module per week, making this a 12 week course.

Your graduation date will be at the end of the 12 weeks.

Within each Module are:

Module Learning Lessons: At the beginning of each week and each new module, the first thing you’ll do is listen to or watch the video Module Learning Lesson.

Module Guided Meditations: After you finish the learning lesson, you’ll listen to your Module Guided Meditation(s), some modules have more than one. There is also a separate Guided Meditation Library.

Tasks: After your Module Guided Meditation(s), you’ll go over to your Tasks, which are comprised of Module Tasks and a Weekly Exercise. This is an essential part of the process, where you experience integrating the learning lesson into your life. Make those new neural pathways! Don’t skip the work.

Daily Bookends: This is a RECURRING task, for you to do at minimum of 5 days week. This is how we’ll develop your personal daily practice, unique to your own schedule.

 Module Content

Module 1: Welcome & Program Overview

Getting set up, setting intentions and overview of the structure of the program

Module 2: What We’ve Been Told & the Impact on Our Nervous System

In order to know where to go, we must first look at where we’ve been. Look at the messages that have conditioned our thinking and its relationship to our nervous system.

Module 3: Self-Compassion

This is a fundamental building block of practice. We must learn how to offer compassion and understanding toward ourselves, because without it, it makes everything we try to do a losing battle. Self-compassion is tricky though, so we dive deeper into this practice so we can make it really work for us.

Module 4: The Power of Mindfulness

We go beyond this overused term and go deeply into what it is, why it’s so powerful, what science says about it and how we can cultivate it. This is the central method.

Module 5: Working with Strong Emotions

A necessary module in how we can be with feelings that seem so overwhelming, the benefits of releasing emotion, and a step by step process to navigate them with Mindfulness.

Module 6: Part 1: Knowing Our Self Worth & Part 2: Knowing Our Goodness

Part 1: Dispelling the misconception between Self Esteem, Self Confidence & Self Worth. How to access true Self Worth through Mindfulness.

Part 2: How our sense of our own Goodness affects Self Worth, understanding the limiting Good/Bad views we hold, how to access your own Goodness with Mindfulness.

Module 7: Knowing Your Inner Critic

We learn what are the roles of the inner critic and why, how it intersects with our limited beliefs, what a thought really is, and how we can use Mindfulness to cut through the BS of the inner critic.

Module 8: The Importance of Gratitude

The physical, emotional, social benefits of gratitude, what science says, how it can impact your life and what can hinder gratitude - and how you can get it back.

Module 9: Part 1: Seeds of Self-Acceptance & Part 2: Self-Forgiveness

Part 1: What Self-Acceptance looks like and what it doesn’t look like, what it really means to be a work in progress and how to cultivate understanding and compassion for our “mis-takes”.

Part 2: Demystify the myths around Self-Forgiveness, what it really looks like, and knowing the difference between guilt and shame. How we can cultivate the space for Self-Forgiveness that is more do-able and approachable.

Module 10: Owning Your Power to Thrive

What taking responsibility for your own happiness looks like, accessing your needs holistically (mind, body, soul), steps to make connections/social support, how to protect your own power and taking action with loving diligence.

Module 11: Your Resilience

How to deal with setbacks, trust your own intuition, methods of journaling, how to expand your practice connecting with others, and cultivating the essential quality of equanimity as your continue your journey past the program.

Module 12: The Next Stepping Stone

Review and engagement of the entirety of the modules, lessons, practice. How to assess what will be your next steps on this path as you continue to evolve your practice. One on One Call with Hannah to help clarify, understand and put down the next stepping stone, whatever that may be.

Module Exercises include audio/video:

Mindful Eating

Walking Meditation

Mindful Movement (gentle yoga)


Self Dates

Mindful Moments/Minutes

Module Tasks mostly include Writing and Journaling